איך לטפח לומד עצמאי – אנגלית -קורס קיץ מרוכז

החלטתם להירשם לקורס? מצוין!
הזינו את הפרטים, לחצו על שליחה והמתינו לקבלת אישור בדוא"ל.
שימו לב – כל השדות בטופס הינם שדות חובה!

  • אנגלית
  • מורים ומורות ביסודי, חט"ב, חט"ע

  • 07/07/2024
  • 30
אני רוצה להירשם!

About the course

Do you feel comfortable to work differently in your classroom? Do you feel comfortable to allow your students to learn independently

The world of teaching, learning and assessment in school is changing its face and meeting new goals and challenges. In a world of multiple and dynamic knowledge where learning takes place in a variety of situations, the teacher is not the sole source of knowledge, and students have high access to sources of information. This is why the need to develop the learner's skills for independent learning, curiosity, creativity and the love of learning arises

This is your opportunity to step forward and become professional in the learning renewal process where students and teachers meet with the skills required for independent learning at all age levels

In this course, we invite you, English teachers, to try and enter the world of independent learning, get to know the theory and experience the various practices that cultivate us and our students as independent learners, build learning units to promote an independent learner and use the digital courses available to us to plan lessons that support our student and the learning process in the classrooms


Skills the student needs to become an independent learner

How to create learning processes in which the student is active, involved and takes responsibility

Ways that develop motivation in close and distance learning

How to evaluate independent learning

What will you gain from participating in the course

Get to know the principles of independent learning and its unique characteristics in the English classroom

Learn and apply tools and practices for planning and guiding independent learning in a variety of aspects

Build together with colleagues, a database of teaching units that will integrate independent learning at a variety of levels in English

Experience and experiment yourself as independent learners, in various aspects such as: managing and organizing time, adapting to learner differences, dealing with barriers, metacognition and reflection in the learning process, setting goals, choosing the content and the learning method and more

Course instructor

Mdalaleh Azzam

How will you be entitled to get credit

Take an active part in the synchronous meetings (Zoom meetings at a time set and published in advance)

Complete the tasks in the asynchronous units that include learning different contents, skills and practices in independent learning teaching (self-work in the course environment).

Submit a final assignment at the end of the course

The course accredits you with 30 hours and a grade

What else is important for you to know

The course will open on 7.7.2024 with an asynchronous task that will be sent to the participants. And later there will be a synchronous opening meeting to be held on 9.7.2024

In accordance with the procedures of the Ministry of Education, each unit must be completed within a limited period of time. Also, receiving a credit is conditional on the completion of course tasks, including a final task

To receive credit for the course, there is a requirement of completing at least 80% of the units

Course audience: English teachers only